Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Meeting on Saturday

Hello TAPT colleagues,

We meet Saturday, November 9th, at 9:00 at J.D. Garcia's house. Please bring a demo to share, and the discussion will be about energy and how we teach it. Helen has some insights as she is working on revising some curriculum for her country. If you have a good energy demo, we would love to see it. 

We will have our usual potluck breakfast starting at 9:00 at J.D. Garcia's house. Thanks for your continued participation. I hope to see you soon.


Monday, October 28, 2019

Notes from Saturday


We had a great talk last Saturday at our annual U of A breakfast. Many thanks to Dr. Sam Gralla for a fascinating talk, and for introducing us to the subtleties of imaging a black hole. Thanks also to the U of A Physics Department for a delicious breakfast
Telescopes captured the first picture of a black hole.
In the talk, we learned a lot about the black hole in our galaxy and in others, especially the one in M87, which was the source of the image. Also discussed: the jet from M87, interferometry, radiation from black holes. There was a fascinating discussion of what the constructed image that was released last spring may represent, as well as what it probably doesn’t represent. We also got a sense of how much coordination and cooperation was necessary to make this extraordinary image, and also the best way to transfer terabytes of data between observatories (hint: it’s not by having a good wifi or data connection.) Dr. Grall graciously answered all questions. He also offered to share his slides, and I think I will be able to send those along soon. Thanks to everyone for coming.

Also, Fritz brought two books:
Deep Medicine: Artificial Intelligence Can make Healthcare Human Again, by Eric Topol et al.

and Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime, by Sean Carroll, whom Fritz called a “great explainer.” Both highly recommended.

Please join us for our next meeting on November 9th at J.D. Garcia’s house, with our usual format. We’ll meet at 9:00 at J.D.’s for potluck breakfast. The topic is energy. We will discuss the latest representations of energy here and in the UK, as well as when and how different instructors work it into the curriculum. Please bring your favorite demo, extra credit if it is energy-related.

Hope to see you all there.


Thursday, October 10, 2019

PAS Breakfast Meeting

Hi TAPT-ers,
This is just a quick reminder that our U of A breakfast meeting is Saturday, October 19th. We will meet at 8:30 am in the PAS Building, Room 218. Only the West doors will be open. Breakfast is generously supplied by the University of Arizona Physics Department. 
Our speaker will be Dr. Sam Gralla, of the U of A Physics Department. He will talk about the recent exciting picture of a black hole:
Understanding the Photograph
Sam Gralla, Department of Physics, University of Arizona

In April of this year, the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration released the first ever horizon-scale observations of the environment surrounding a black hole.  I will present the basics of light bending by black holes and discuss how to understand the observations.  This involves time dilation and the concept of  'event horizon'.

Hope to see everyone there!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Meeting on Saturday

We are holding a special meeting Saturday, Sept. 7, to discuss how TAPT can best support physics in the K-12 schools, including middle school. We will be considering the new state standards and a model of professional development for physics and physical science teachers, especially those who have come to physics teaching through varied paths.

We'll meet at 8:30 (notice it's a half-hour earlier than our usual time) at J.D. Garcia's house. I'll bring some snacks, bring something if it's convenient for you, but don't make that the focus. We want to work on bringing physics into the curriculum.

Please reply to this email if you have any questions. 

Future meetings: this conversation may continue to the next Saturday if we so desire. Our regular September meeting has been postponed in favor of the AzAAPT meeting September 28th at Phoenix College. More on that soon. Our TAPT breakfast meeting, with a great speaker, will be October 19th at the U of A. Our speaker is Dr. Sam Gralla, of the U of A Physics Department, and he will talk about the latest imaging of a black hole, and how to interpret the image.

Thanks for all your participation and suggestions and interest. See you Saturday, or one of the Saturdays this month.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

Meeting Notes and Semester Schedule

Hi Tucson-Area teachers,
We had an interesting meeting Saturday, and I will give a few takeaways. First, here is a schedule that you can put into your calendar.

September 14th: Regular meeting, subject tba

October 19th: Regular meeting, possibly our yearly U of A meeting. Still being worked out.

November 9th: Regular meeting. The discussion will be new AZ science standards. Antonio  Solazzi has worked on some of the state committees and will be sharing the information that he has.

Other dates of interest:

September 7th: Working meeting on helping non-physics teachers, including middle school teachers, meet the new standards. Anyone who is interested in this topic is welcome. Helen Reynolds and I are both part-time this semester, and we hope to develop a mechanism to reach teachers. As most of you know, Helen had the job of educating physics teachers in England.

September 28th: AZAAPT meeting at Phoenix College. The theme is amusement park visits, including Castles and Coasters and Magic Mountain. There will be talks on logistics as well as the physics that can be illustrated and measured. Bruce Bayly would like to have a group to carpool to the meeting. Start thinking about whether you would like to attend.

Our discussion Saturday had a few interesting points. First of all, it’s not that easy to find a physics teaching job in Tucson or Arizona. That’s because a lot of schools have taken physics out of their curriculum. If a physics teacher leaves, and they can’t replace her/him right away, they often stop offering physics. It’s kind of a feedback effect. We had some discussion about whether to this can be remedied. If you’re in a school that has physics, it’s nice if you can chat up the counselors, and let them know how important it is. Many counselors advise against physics as being too hard.

Our other discussion was about the new science standards and the end of AIMS science testing. A new exam is being rolled out in 2 years. I don’t fully know the details, but Antonio is up-to-date and was very informative. More at our November meeting.

More information will follow about the various dates above. Hope you all are having a great start of the school year.


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Planning Meeting on Saturday

I hope everyone is happy to be back at school! Or at least still willing. Come have a casual potluck breakfast with the TAPT crowd Saturday morning, August 17th. We will plan a semester or so of activities, and have some time to talk and catch up from summer. 

Hope to see everyone there. We'll meet at 9:00 at J.D. Garcia's house, [redacted]. Bring a dish to share if you can manage it, otherwise just bring yourself and maybe a fellow teacher. We aim to end by 11. New members welcome!


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

End of Year Party

Hi TAPT-ers,

We are having an end-of-the-year party Saturday, May 25th, at J.D. Garcia's house. We'll cook burgers and have some fun demos. The time is 5:30 pm, friends and family welcome. There is a pool available if you or your kiddos are interested. J.D.'s address is [redacted for the internet]. 

I need a rough count of burgers, and what type you prefer, beef, chicken or veggie. We plan to get really good burgers, so I recommend beef if you're not a vegetarian. Please bring a dish of any sort to share. J.D. and I will supply burgers and fixins and drinks.

Hope to see you there!

Remember, let me know your burger order!


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Meeting on Saturday

We meet Saturday, April 13, at Pima CC West Campus at 9:00 am. We’ll be in room F130 - I’ll send directions later in the week. 

I will be demonstrating the use of Vernier video analysis. This program is something I’ve used quite a bit in my Conceptual Physics class as well as my Engineering Physics. Students can take a video of some phenomenon, then analyze the motion using Vernier software. No equipment is needed except a camera or phone, and the software, which is free.  I hope it will be useful – I have found that the students do well with the visual representations. I’ll have some cameras and we can take videos to analyze. We have some laptops, or you can bring your own. If you don’t have LoggerPro, you can download it there.

We meet at 9, I’ll bring coffee and a snack. Hope you can join us. Please rsvp for my snack count.


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Lots of Opportunities


I hope this finds you all well. Remember our next meeting is at Pima West Campus Saturday, April 13th. 

Here are a couple of information items that have crossed my desk. They all look very interesting. I know everyone has a lot to do, but the assessment committee seems pretty important. I applied. Then the Perimeter institute just seems like a great opportunity, and you get to spend time in Canada in the summer. And the last thing is a talk at ASU on Saturday April 20. Students invited too. 

First,this is from Danel Hogan, through Amber Strunk and a few different people. It's about the need for physics input for the state science assessments: (I'm cutting and pasting from Danel's email):


Dear Physics Teachers,
I recently had the opportunity to work on the state assessment performance descriptors (what will be used to write the new science assessment questions).
NO PHYSICS teachers volunteered……
You MUST have a say in this, otherwise your assessment questions will be written based off of life sci and chem teacher input only,  and we know what you think of us : )
Please share within your physics network.


Marni Landry, M.Ed.
Grand Canyon University
Manager, K12 STEM Outreach 
K12 Educational Development
602-639-8073 Office      480-489-5441 Cell


Second, here is a link for some information from the Perimeter Institute. They have a summer teacher program, applications are due April 15.

Third, here's some information about a mini-conference at ASU that has some interesting topics (I'm cutting and pasting from the TCHRs list serve):

The 4th annual Jargon-Free Mini Science Conference at ASU is coming up on Saturday April 20 from 3-6 PM at ASU Tempe Campus (Physical Science Building H-wing).

Short talk titles include:
"Ants and AI: Machine Learning for the Characterization of Alarm Response in California Harvester Ants"
"Listing to the music of cosmos using very cool detectors"
 Keynote Talk:
"Searching for the Laws of Life" - Sara Walker
Teachers are encouraged to attend and share with their students!   (most appropriate for ages 13+)

This event is presented by ASU Sundial (mentoring group from Dept. of Physics and School of Earth and Space Exploration). Presenters are mentors and mentees in the program. If you have any questions please contact

See you soon!


Monday, February 25, 2019

AzAAPT This weekend


As I have mentioned in previous emails, the Arizona section of the American Association of Physics Teachers will be meeting at the Pima Air and Space Museum next Saturday, March 2.

Here is the agenda for the meeting. You can feel free to attend all or parts. More details about the meeting will follow, but I didn't want to wait longer to get it on the calendar.

Hope to see you there.


Monday, February 4, 2019

Meeting + Dinner on Saturday

Hi TAPT group,

We are meeting at 9:00 am on Saturday, February 9th, at J.D. Garcia's house, for potluck breakfast. We will have a guest, Jim Housley from Alaska, and he will have equipment to share and demonstrate. 

On Saturday evening, I would like to have a dinner for Jim and his wife Karen. Everyone is invited, and please feel free to bring a friend/significant other. It was very fun last year. I will cook, so I need a rough idea of how many will attend. Please let me know.

Dinner will be at 6:30 at my house, [contact Karie for address]. There will be food and drink, including alcohol, so please come and meet Jim's wife and socialize. 

I know it's a lot to devote your time and most of a day to TAPT, but it is nice to get to know people that have some of the same interests as you do. Also, good food. 

Hope to see you Saturday,

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jim Housley's Visit!


If you have any requests for Jim Housley (, it would be greatly appreciated if you could send them this week. They will be leaving for Tucson Saturday, and must pack on Friday, so Thursday would be the latest day for requests. (Note that there is no "i" in Apparently that's a common mis-address.)

Hope to see everyone on the 9th!


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Meeting Notes


We had a fantastic and sort of nostalgic meeting last week – actually now that I look at the date it’s been two weeks. Erik Herman, former Tucsonan and founder of the Physics Factory bus, visited from Ithaca NY. He has been working as outreach coordinator for Cornell University, but is planning to go fulltime as an informal science educator. He was here to help Bruce Bayly and friends to outfit the newest Physics Bus, which seems to be bus #7. Also attending was Damien, a student who works on the bus.

The bus is small and sweet - it's the size of one of those smaller school buses that would hold about 30 students. It was purchased by funds donated by Barbara Bickel, and she was at the meeting to see the it. Bruce is planning to have undergrads drive, so the smaller size is best for that. But it had a lot of cool stuff on it: lots of wave and sound demos. One cool demo/experiment used neon bulbs in a microwave to measure the approximate wavelength of the microwaves. The bulbs are available on eBay – mine came this week. According to Al Vanuga, you can also use a compact fluorescent bulb if you put the metal part in water.

Erik’s bus in Ithaca runs on solar power. US Battery has donated some great batteries to make that possible, and they want to donate more.

One interesting discussion was about a Freakonomics podcast about supply and demand. There is a huge supply of education, but less demand. Especially science education, where there are a lot of people writing curriculum etc. Bruce and Erik see the bus as a way to increase demand for science education.

At the meeting, Fritz showed us two magazines, but I unfortunately only wrote down one: PRISM magazine, which had an article he liked on bees, and only one about cameras run by a Raspberry Pi. There was also a book: She Has Her Mother’s Laugh, by Zimmer. This is a history of the concept of heredity; it’s much more complex than we think. There is also some discussion of eugenics, which was/is bad. Fritz highly recommends this book. Also, one of Fritz’s friends invented the modem. 

In a previous meeting, we also discussed Deep Learninbg Revolution by Terrence Sejnowski. The takeaway is that people are bad at learning rules but good at spotting patterns. There was some discussion of thinking in the diffuse mode, which kind of uses the whole brain. Also, Helen pointed out that research shows that we are good at physics because we know physics. In other words, there’s not really a way to improve critical thinking without a subject matter application. I have actually been motivating my classes by using this line – you can do well at physics by learning physics.

Some dates for future meetings: 

Jim Housley will be in town for our next meeting, which is set for February 9th. Jim is planning to bring a suitcase full of equipment – if you have requests, send them to Jim at Yep, he still has an aol address. In addition, I’d like to have a dinner for Jim and Karen that evening. Please put it on your calendar.

On March 2nd, the Arizona chapter of the AAPT will be meeting in Tucson at the Air and Space Museum. It should be great. I hope many from Tucson will attend – the main idea of moving the meeting to different regions of the state is to make it convenient for everyone at least occasionally.

Our April meeting is a bit up in the air, but will likely be April 13th at Pima Community College, as JD is not available on that day.

Our end of the year party will be May 18th, also subject to adjustment.

Hope to see you all in February. Let me know if you have questions/comments/suggestions.


Monday, January 14, 2019

Brains and Brews

Dear colleagues, it was delightful being able to bring the new Bus to TAPT on Saturday, and thanks for the warm welcome you gave Erik and Damian.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I hope to take it to the Borderlands Brewing Company tomorrow evening as part of the Brains and Brews series, hosted by the BBC, Southern AZ March for Science and the Railway Arts District.

Each B&B evening consists of an informal presentation (all ages welcome) from 7-8pm followed by a trivia contest (ages 21+ only) from 8-9.  See

I will be speaking on "Musical Instruments: Size, Shape, and Sound" with lots of hands-on stuff (including instruments!), plus I will have some other materials as well.

Please consider yourself warmly invited,


Friday, January 11, 2019

Meeting Tomorrow


We meet this coming Saturday. We have a very fun program. Erik Herman, from the Cornell informal education program will talk about his experiences starting the Physics Bus in Tucson and bringing the bus philosophy to other locales. He has also worked on a loaner program for equipment for K-12 teachers.

Join us at J.D. Garcia’s house, [use Contact link to ask for address] at 9:00 for potluck breakfast, Erik’s talk, a tour of Physics Factory bus, and some amount of spring planning for our next few meetings.

Hope to see you all there! If you know a new physics teacher, please invite him/her to TAPT.

Here are some summer opportunities you might want to consider. I went to a workshop with Amber Strunk through STEMAZing in November, and it was great. Amber, a physics teacher from Phoenix, was a LIGO fellow and talked about her fantastic experience. The workshop I attended came out of Amber's training at LIGO - now she works with the program training teachers.

To apply for a LIGO fellowship:

Amber also recommended the Perimeter Institute summer workshop for teachers:
If you haven't heard of it, the Perimeter Institute, which is in Canada, has scientists working on the biggest physics questions: cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, particle physics. 

One more summer activity: I'm still hoping for a summer Modeling workshop - I'd like to hear from interested teachers.

See you Saturday!


Monday, January 7, 2019

January Meeting


Happy New Year! I'm sorry I've been remiss with my summaries and news. We had a fantastic December meeting, which I have yet to summarize. Too much grading and holiday right after. (I'm sure you can guess what some of my resolutions are.)

We ARE meeting Saturday, January 12th at J.D. Garcia's house. We have a special guest! Former Tucson physics teacher Erik Herman will be there with Bruce Bayly and the Physics Bus. Erik is now an outreach coordinator for Cornell University (hope I got that right) and is one of the founders of the Tucson Physics Bus. He has many other programs at Cornell, and will speak on "Physics Outreach Buses: Tucson and Ithaca, Past Present and Future!" And the Tucson bus will be there in some stage of renovation. It promises to be an awesome meeting! Please come! Thanks, Bruce, for arranging this!

We start at 9:00 am, breakfast potluck but don't think you have to bring something - we always have plenty. 

Hope to see everyone for this special event!
