Monday, February 27, 2017

Meeting This Saturday


By request, we are having a meeting on Saturday (March 4) organized around the subject of the AP exam. I’d like to meet at Pima West Campus in room F102 — I will send directions later in the week. We will meet at 9:00, ending at about 11:00. If you would like a certificate for re-cert hours, please let me know. I’ll bring coffee, bring a breakfast item to share if you can. 

If you would like to contribute to this session, please let me know. Some topics that we will discuss:

Hints for students taking the exam.
The different aspects of AP Physics 1and 2, compared to the old physics B exam.
Should all eligible students take the exam?
Should the AP exam replace students’ college physics class?
Any other questions that you come up with.

I hope this will be a lively session, but if you have any comments or suggestions to make it better, I would love to hear them. 

Also, this is a reminder that the AZ section of the AAPT will be meeting in Tucson on April 8th, on the U of A campus. Dr. Roger Angel will be giving the keynote address, and after an eegee’s lunch, there will be a tour of the Mirror Lab. More details to come. Pleas support our section and put it on your calendar.

On February 4th, we had a great meeting with friend of TAPT Jim Housley. Thanks Jim! I will be sending out more information about that meeting and some of the surplus items that Jim is willing to part with, but I just haven’t had a chance to write it up.

Feedback on any of the above items appreciated. 

Hope to see you Saturday,

Friday, February 3, 2017

Meeting Tomorrow


Just a quick reminder: we meet tomorrow at 9:00 at J.D. Garcia's house [use contact form for directions]. Bring a dish to share if you can, don't worry about it if you don't have time.

Our guest is Jim Housley, retired physics teacher and current demo and equipment developer. We will be talking demos.

Hope to see a lot of people there!
