Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Meeting this Saturday


We meet for a regular meeting Saturday, February 4th. We will try the 9:00 time again - it worked out well last meeting. Jim Housley will be joining us with a suitcase full of demos. Bring your own demo, or demo idea to share. Jim might put it into production. If you need things in your classroom, this is the meeting to come to. 

We'll have potluck breakfast, so bring a dish to share if you can manage it. We aim to end by 11:00. J.D. address is [use contact form on this blog for address]. 

Hope to see you there,


Friday, January 20, 2017

Meeting Notes and Upcoming Dates


We had a bunch of delicious food at our start-of-the-year meeting. Scones, muffins, cinnamon rolls – apparently no one has started their New Year diet yet.

Bruce Bayly was only one of the Brits attending. (Helen Reynolds has recently joined the teaching staff of Greenfields.) Sorry for the digression, I meant to remind everyone that Bruce has arranged for Calculus, the Musical! to be presented here next Friday, January 27, 2017. I’ll attach the flyer, or go to www.eventbrite.com/e/calculus-the-musical-tickets-30503889956 for tickets.

We had a super interesting demo by Chris Ubing. He used his I/O lab device to measure the magnetic field of a current-carrying wire. He showed how to get the 1/r dependence using loggerPro or excel graphing of B vs r.
J.D. had three things to report – he has recently submitted questions for the physics GRE, he has been interviewing Flinn scholarship applicants – quite a task since there are many and they are all outstanding – and he gave a talk on The Role of Time in Science and Religion, which we want him to reprise for TAPT.

Fritz brought a lot of books, and they might have a theme that he is very interested in, which is AI, the new electricity according to Fritz, meaning AI is as revolutionary as electricity was:
Why Information Grows, by Cesar Hidalgo. Economic growth can be treated like natural systems
The Dreams that Stuff Is Made Of, by Steven Hawking, a collection of papers or readings about modern physics.
By Michael Lewis, The Undoing Project about Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tverskyan and how they collaborated on decision theory.
Zen Flesh Zen Bones, a “collection of primary Zen sources” according to Amazon.
Lenin’s Tomb, by David Remick (historical)
The Master Algorithm:How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our Worldby Pedro Domingos. I guess this is the fascinating AI book mentioned at the beginning.

Steve Hoell gave a nice demo about a battery in a spring – it zips through. He found it in the January 2016 AJP I think. I’m going to try to attach a video.

Future dates:
Our next meeting is February 4th, and our friend Jim Housley will be here with some equipment. Maybe bring a bag – I know he won’t want to take it back with him.

On March 4th we will have a meeting about preparing students for the AP exams. I’m a long-time AP grader and will talk about the new exams and give some hints.

Then April 8th is the AzAAPT meeting, which will be held at the U of A in the Physics and Atmospherics building (PAS). We are working on a speaker.

We are planning our end-of-year party on May 13th, and will be twisting J.D.’s arm to talk about time in science and religion.

If you are of a mind to drive, the second annual un-conference of STEMteachersPHX is January 28, from 10 am to 1 pm at Pinnacle High School in Phoenix. I know it's far, but this is a great group. Registration is free athttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-unconference-tickets-30424058177
Recertification hours are available for all meetings – I try to remember to bring forms, but an advance email is helpful.
Hope to see everyone on February 4th.

Karie Meyers, Ph.D.
Physics Instructor and Chair, Physics and Geosciences Department
Pima Community College West Campus
phone: 206-6695
office: E230
email: kameyers1@pima.edu

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Meeting on Saturday


Happy New Year!

We meet Saturday at 9:00 at J.D. Garcia’s house. The address is [use contact form for address]. We’ll have potluck breakfast. Bring a demo or toy that you got over the break to share. Chris Ubing will show labs using an IO device he has been working with - it’s fantastic. 

Hope to see you all there.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Upcoming Meetings and a Workshop

We meet on January 14th, and we are trying a new time, just a bit later, at 9:00. We’ll meet at J.D. Garcia’s house for potluck breakfast and to share new physics demos and toys you got for the holidays. Also, Chris Ubing will be showing some rotation labs using the IO/lab. 

A couple of other items:

For our February meeting, which is February 4th, our friend Jim Housely will be visiting from Alaska. He can carry two suitcases worth of physics equipment and is taking requests. If you’ve seen his demos, you know what you can ask for, but I don’t have a complete list. You can email him at jmhousley@aol.com if you have questions, or requests. If you have something in mind that you would like a demo of, lots of times he already has something similar. He has lots of pressure and vacuum demos, and also sets of density blocks. If you email him, I think he could help you articulate what you might like to have.

DaNel Hogan has asked me to pass on a workshop opportunity for medical physics. It’s a two or three day meeting in Phoenix, free to teachers, with a theme of medical physics. See the flyer below. Also, here is a website: https://www.xcdsystem.com/wmsym/files/2017%20Teacher%20Workshop%20Flyer.pdf. The title is Exploring our Radioactive World, and it looks great, and DaNel says it is an exceptional workshop. Oh, and it’s free to teachers.

Hope to see you on the 14th. I’ll email next week with directions, etc.
