Monday, September 3, 2018

Annual Breakfast This Saturday

All Tucson Area Physics Teachers and Friends,

The Physics Department's TAPT Annual Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, September 8th, at 8:30 AM, in the PAS Building, Room 218. Only the West doors will be open. Breakfast will be supplied by the University of Arizona Physics Department. It's always great.

To note: we will start at 8:30 am.

J.D. has, as usual, gotten a great speaker for the morning. Dr. Warren Beck is a faculty member in the Physics and Geosciences Departments. He will talk about Global Warming. Here is an abstract:

Global Warming: Many Questions and Fewer Answers

Since the start of the Industrial Revolution (Circa 1800 AD), atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen from 280 ppm (parts per million) to 411 ppm, and this increase is due almost entirely to increased fossil fuel burning and land use changes associated with human activities.
 CO2 is a greenhouse gas, thus, higher atmospheric concentrations should lead to a warmer Earth.  This is an inescapable conclusion reached when using simple Energy Balance models of climate. But the climate system has a large dynamic component which is not revealed by Energy Balance models alone. Changes in dynamics could potentially lead to more efficient heat radiation processes—or make them less efficient.

This leads us to the obvious question: Is the recent global warming trend caused by these increased (Anthropogenic) greenhouse gasses?  If so, what will happen if we continue to add CO2 to the atmosphere by burning additional fossil fuels?

These two questions are surprisingly difficult to answer.  Finding an answer requires not only energy balance models of climate, but rather the use of general circulation models (GCM’s) that show how climate responds to changes in greenhouse gasses. GCM’s use finite-element methods and thermodynamics to predict how the worlds oceans and atmosphere will respond dynamically to this greenhouse gas perturbation. Such dynamics control the pattern of major wind belts, which couple to ocean currents.  These dynamics control where the rain falls and where it doesn’t, and where ice accumulates and where it melts. They control the patterns of where  deserts or jungles  develop, and in so doing influence Earths energy balance via feedback involving albedo (reflectivity). Such dynamics even influences how fast ocean water circulates into the oceans deep interior, and whether they carry with them large amounts of dissolved anthropogenic CO2 captured from the atmosphere—or not. This so-called Thermohaline Circulation may ultimately control how extreme climate change from human influences may become. The ocean interior can be a potent buffer on atmospheric CO2 concentrations, which dissolve into cold descending waters near the poles, but are also released from upwelling waters in the tropics. The ocean interor has a large CO2 storage capacity, but changing ocean stratification can affect how efficiently it can remove CO2 from the atmosphere, and for how long.  Thus the carbon cycle is coupled in fundamental ways to the climate system, and how the atmosphere couples dynamically to the ocean.

Please join us at 8:30 Saturday PAS 218. If you know of anyone interested in this topic, or in joining TAPT, please be sure to pass along this invitation.
