Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Particle Fever on PBS + Updates


Happy New Year! TAPT meets January 23rd. I’ll send reminders, but you can put in on your calendar: 8:30 am at J.D. Garcia’s house.

Here are a few reminders that I’m passing along from Jane Jackson:

   Wednesday, January 6, at 9pm on KAET channel 8.
Follow six brilliant scientists for the launch of the Large Hadron Collider, built to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang and search for the Higgs boson.

(Also Fri. 1/8 at 3 a.m.; Sun. 1/10 at 2 p.m.)

Jane's note: On the PBS website, you can view a new 8-minute video, produced in summer 2015:   Particle Fever: Extra Dimensions.
Physicists Daniel Whitestone and Jonathan Feng update us after finding the Higgs Boson.

The official website for Particle Fever is . The director and producer are both PhDs in particle physics.

Also from Jane, details about the Physics Bowl, which is a fun exercise for your students:


Each year, approximately 10,000 students take a 40-question, 45-minute timed, multiple-choice test under their school's supervision. The 2016 exam will be given between March 30 and April 15, 2016.

To enhance the distribution of awards, Division I is for first-year physics students and Division II is for second-year physics students. Each Division has 14 regions. Regions are listed at  (Specialized math and science schools compete in a separate region, just for them.)

The deadline to register is FEBRUARY 29, 2016.

You, the teacher, can register a team of your students. Register at (online or mail or FAX)

Your team of students take a 40-question, 45-minute timed, multiple-choice test under your school's supervision.

Exam questions are based on topics and concepts covered in a typical high school physics course.

School Team scores are determined by the sum of the scores of the top five students.

Info at

One more thing: If your New Year’s Resolution is to join AAPT, here’s some information:

*  AAPT advances the greater good -- through physics education.
*  AAPT promotes best practices for physics education -- through teachers.
*  AAPT membership CONNECTS you with physics teachers worldwide.

Watch physics teachers tell why they value AAPT (a 2-minute video) at

* eNNOUNCER each month: many opportunities
* online journals:
       American Journal of Physics (my favorite, for PER!) and
       THE PHYSICS TEACHER (great short articles -- useful in the classroom)
* PHYSICS TODAY magazine: keep up with physics

*eMentoring, for high school teachers

* Summer meetings, often at universities with affordable dorm housing.
      Focus on high school and college.
      Insightful talks
      Fun to make new friends and share ideas

* Winter meetings, that focus on college physics

* AAPT staff are friendly and helpful.

*  Much more!  Watch this 4-minute video by AAPT President Steve Iona:

It is easy to join AAPT, at .

Hope to see you January 23rd!


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