We are holding a special meeting Saturday, Sept. 7, to
discuss how TAPT can best support physics in the K-12 schools, including middle
school. We will be considering the new state standards and a model of
professional development for physics and physical science teachers, especially
those who have come to physics teaching through varied paths.
We'll meet at 8:30 (notice it's a half-hour earlier
than our usual time) at J.D. Garcia's house. I'll bring some
snacks, bring something if it's convenient for you, but don't make that the
focus. We want to work on bringing physics into the curriculum.
Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
Future meetings: this conversation may continue to the next
Saturday if we so desire. Our regular September meeting has been postponed in
favor of the AzAAPT meeting September 28th at Phoenix College. More on
that soon. Our TAPT breakfast meeting, with a great speaker, will be October
19th at the U of A. Our speaker is Dr. Sam Gralla, of the U of A Physics
Department, and he will talk about the latest imaging of a black hole, and how
to interpret the image.
Thanks for all your participation and suggestions and
interest. See you Saturday, or one of the Saturdays this month.