Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Meeting this Saturday


We are meeting Saturday, December 9th. I hope it's on your calendar. We are going back to our original plan of having a holiday/planning meeting. I know I had considered a lab-sharing, but as it gets to the end of the semester, I'm sure everyone is feeling a bit of pressure. Instead, I'd like to do something that doesn't require quite as much preparation.

I'm planning to bring some discussion questions I have been using in my calc-based classes. These aren't too difficult, but just difficult enough that a group can be engaged for a half hour or so in solving the problem. If you have some similar activities, please bring them along. Also bring your ideas for next semester's meetings.

We'll meet at J.D.'s house (3100 Calle Portal) at our usual time of 8:30 am. Bring a breakfast dish to share if possible.

Hope to see you there