Our April meeting will be in conjunction with the AzAAPT
semi-annual meeting, and this spring it's HERE in Tucson. We are meeting at the
U of A and there is a great program - see the email copied below from Jim Ward,
AzAAPT president.
Some highlights:
Roger Angel will give the keynote address, and he is a good
friend of physics teachers, as well as Tucson's own brilliant scientist and
inventor. There will be a session by Chris Ubing on the IO lab, and lunch from
eegee's. The meeting starts at 8:30 am with registration and a business meeting
at 9:00. Consider getting involved in the AzAAPT. There are lots of great
physics teachers in the state.
The Mirror Lab tour is after lunch, at 1:00.
I hope you'll all come and participate in this activity.
Registration is online. It's not free, but it will be worth paying for! See
details below.
It’s March Madness now but it will soon be
April Madness!
That’s right, the Spring 2017 meeting of
the Arizona Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers is almost
here. (Yea, I know, kind of a lame introduction but is still going to
be a great
Saturday, April 8
University of Arizona
Sing-in and continental breakfast starts
at 8:30am.The Business Meeting starts
at 9:00am.
Look for maps and parking info coming
We have a great line-up of speakers and
presentations and we will be touring the Mirror Lab at U of A. As I said
before, not to repeat myself but I think it is an occupational hazard for
teachers, if you have not toured the lab before you are in for a real treat and
if you have toured the lab before you know it is worth seeing again. The
tour fee has been reduced for our group.
The meeting is packed so to save time we
will be bringing lunch in from the world famous Eegees. People travel for miles
just to get an Eegee.
Ø Keynote
speaker – J. Roger P. Angel – Regents'
Professor of Astronomy and Optical Sciences, and Director, Richard F. Caris
Mirror Lab. He is also the founder and CTO of Rehnu, Inc., and he is an
inductee into the Inventors Hall of Fame.
Ø Tour of the
mirror lab at UofA. Awesome tour!
Ø IO Lab on
magnetic forces on a wire and Faraday’s Law. We have had a few of these IO labs
and they are always very good.
Ø Forces First presentation
Ø Science Standards update
of course,
Ø Door Prizes (maybe
your own personal 8m mirror)
Ø Certificate of
Don’t forget about the Arnold Meister Book Award
If you have not submitted a nomination for the Arnold
Meister Book, you really should think about it. Just nominate an outstanding
High School Senior who will be going on to study Physics in college. The
nomination deadline is Wednesday April 5.
Include the name, high school attended, and a brief bio of the student you are
nominating. You can read more about the award at: http://www.azaapt.org/Arnold%20Meister%20Book%20Award.pdf.
All nominations should be sent to: jward@veritasprepacademy.org
I hope to
see you all there!
Jim ward
Arizona Section, American Association of Physics
Karie Meyers, Ph.D.
Physics Instructor and Chair, Physics and Geosciences
Pima Community College West Campus