By request, we are having a meeting on Saturday (March 4) organized around the subject of the AP exam. I’d like to meet at Pima West Campus in room F102 — I will send directions later in the week. We will meet at 9:00, ending at about 11:00. If you would like a certificate for re-cert hours, please let me know. I’ll bring coffee, bring a breakfast item to share if you can.
If you would like to contribute to this session, please let me know. Some topics that we will discuss:
Hints for students taking the exam.
The different aspects of AP Physics 1and 2, compared to the old physics B exam.
Should all eligible students take the exam?
Should the AP exam replace students’ college physics class?
Any other questions that you come up with.
I hope this will be a lively session, but if you have any comments or suggestions to make it better, I would love to hear them.
Also, this is a reminder that the AZ section of the AAPT will be meeting in Tucson on April 8th, on the U of A campus. Dr. Roger Angel will be giving the keynote address, and after an eegee’s lunch, there will be a tour of the Mirror Lab. More details to come. Pleas support our section and put it on your calendar.
On February 4th, we had a great meeting with friend of TAPT Jim Housley. Thanks Jim! I will be sending out more information about that meeting and some of the surplus items that Jim is willing to part with, but I just haven’t had a chance to write it up.
Feedback on any of the above items appreciated.
Hope to see you Saturday,