Friday, April 3, 2015

Our Meeting Next Saturday, April 11th: AzAAPT


Here’s a quick reminder that the Arizona section of the AAPT meeting is being held here next Saturday, April 11th. WE will be meeting at the University of Arizona in the room that we usually use for our September meeting, PAS 218. In addition, we will hold some parts in the lecture hall, PAS 220. Please note: only the WEST DOORS will be open. We have a great speaker scheduled, one whom we have wanted to speak to TAPT for several years. Dr. John Hildebrand is the Regents Professor in the Department of Neurology, and also the Foreign Secretary for the National Academy of Sciences. Here is an abstract of his talk:

"From the Big Bang to Bug Brains and Other Adventures."

My pathway from public school to college and beyond has followed an unexpected route in which the Big Bang, an extraordinary professor, and a chance encounter with a little book about insect brains provided key turning points. A long career investigating the physics and biology of those little brains has been fascinating and rewarding and has taught us a lot about brains in general.  I will discuss some of the science highlights in  that journey. 
Now, after another unforeseen pivot point, I am enjoying the novelty and challenges of serving as an officer of the National Academy of Sciences.

It’s sure to be awesome. In addition, lots of people will be contributing short talks about what is working in their classroom – see the agenda below. I will be talking about a Gauss’s law lab for calc-based physics.

I know you aren’t used to registering for TAPT meetings, but you should register for this one. Our state organization needs your support. You can register online at Or you can register at the door.

Lunch will be available – Tucson’s own eegee’s – for a single price of $5. I’ll be getting a variety of sandwiches, taking into account the usual dietary restrictions.

I hope you’ll join us. Also think about asking your biology colleagues – when do they get a chance to hear such a renowned speaker?


8:45 – 9:15                           Executive Meeting
9:15 – 9:30                           Registration and continental breakfast
9:30 – 10:30                         Key Note Address: John G. Hildebrand, Ph.D
10:30 – 11:30                      Business meeting
11:30 – 12:00                      Lunch
12:00 – 2:00                         Ten Minute Talks
                                                        Magic Mountain Field Trips
                                                        Resources for flipped/blended classes
                                                        Rube Goldberg projects
                                                        Soak the Teach (this should be good)
                                                        Movie Mistakes
                                                        Gauss’s Law
                                                        IO lab demo

Hope to see you there!
